Second week of the Strike assembling. Gone through a few milestones!
Nails: added two big ones on each ankle and a small one on the side of the waist.
The ankles nails:
Drill small holes on the ankle plates and the back of the nails. Make centre core with the parts frames (heat up then pull).
Again, silver under paint then Gundam white.
I think it's okay... Hopefully it's not superfluous... (畫蛇添足)
The nails around the waist
And the nails in the arms
Then, the most challenging part: wiring to the display stand!
Drill small holes to run wires through the display stand's connector:

I use 2 small plates of copper connectors on the bottom back of the Strike and solder the wires with tin (錫線) on the stand's connector:

Finally, solder the wires to the copper connectors:


It works!!!
Other random pics during the assembly:

Wires are all hidden!

Part 1:
嘩 ! 正 ! 又學到嘢 !
ReplyDelete[版主回覆02/23/2008 02:15:00]有セ學呀?走線+垾線? 老Q隻Unicorn啲槍正好多! 如果佢post啲製作過程就真係學到嘢啦!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆10/06/2008 01:16:00]因為當時未買手寫板吖嗎...