3 Feb 2007 (4am)
Worked on the upper part for four days already... Here is the progress:
The original paint (right) is too ugly! Re-paint (left)!
These are one of the major headache!
Once again, re-paint!
4 Feb 2007 (midnight)
Worked a bit tonight, not much progress though!

5 Feb 2007 (midnight)

6 Feb 2007
99% Finished...

Next, weapons and photo shoting...
好似好靚咁bo..... 唔怪得你一定要買啦...^^
ReplyDelete[版主回覆02/04/2008 10:05:00]外殼的銀低紅真係好靚,但要好小心處理水口位... 仲知對佢又愛又恨啦!
快手播老兄,掂呀掂呀,搞掂記得通知聲 la !!!!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆02/04/2008 20:41:00]只可遠觀 不可近望
ReplyDeleteThe red paint is really pretty, need a bit more work on the 水口位! still look very nice, can't wait to see the finish product!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆02/06/2008 00:31:00]大家吟話 祝所有blog友身體健康 GUNPLA砌得更好, 相影得更靚, 限量版儲得更多... 哈哈哈哈哈 恭喜 恭喜
恭祝你 :
ReplyDelete鼠年進步 , 身體健康 , 萬事如意 , 得心應手 ,
出入平安 , 龍馬精神 , 錦繡前程 , 如意吉祥 ,
財源廣進 , 心想事成 , 年年有餘 , 合家平安 ........
新年快樂 !!
砌模型技術更上一層樓 !
Woo! It looks so cool! I will copy your if you don’t mind.
ReplyDelete(Actually, don’t tell me if you mind. )
[版主回覆02/07/2008 21:48:00]I didn't make any modifications... Everything is original with some touch up and detail's painting... As it is having a metallic finish, I don't even polish with sand paper... Thus, I think your's more creative!
Will wait for your finish product. Let me know!