- First time to install "light bulbs"!
- First time to use "custom color"!
- First time to add "nails"!
About a month ago, K-Freshman saw a finished Strike I.W.S.P. at Apita and he asked if there is any finished product (like GFF). I was so surprise that he WANTED a gundam as he is not any Gundam/anime/robotic otaku! So, I offer him mine since I purchased the MG when it was released last year.
So, how come so many 第一次? K-Freshman asked if the eyes can light up and he's extremely into any orange color... The nails? Well, I just wanted to try after seeing so many blog bros doing it...
Step 1: The light bulbs!
Bought 3V light bulbs at Wan Chai 偉利 but it's too big to find in the head! So, make some room...

Cut along the red lines.
Then, paint the inside with black to block the light from leaking out...
Install the light bulb. Notice the small piece of plastic to hold the light bulb in position?
Oh no! It's still leaking out at the gap and I'm too lazy with putty!
But it looks ok with normal room lightings!
Step 2: Running the wires!
Make a notch behind the neck plate:
Need to cut a lot of paths... Cut along all the red markers!
Then, make 3 small holes to let the second light bulb's beam to light up the cockpit:
Testing and putting it in place:
Step 3: Assembling the chest!
Step 4: Run the wires to the lower body!
All wires are done inside the body!
Then, the ORANGE color! As the chest was originally in navy blue, I used silver paint then apply orange:
wow, so detail work! is the light led? otherwise it will burn! can't wait and see a orange strike! haha
ReplyDelete[版主回覆02/18/2008 12:13:00]I think it is LED but it does not look like a LED 各方Blog兄知唔知偉利賣啲燈仔是否LED?
i think i will never have time to modify the models just like u
ReplyDelete[版主回覆02/18/2008 18:59:00]Eventually you will... After moving in your new place and then you will want a Gundam show room... hahahaha...
Very nice. Await for your finish product.
ReplyDelete[版主回覆02/18/2008 19:02:00]thanks!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆02/18/2008 19:02:00]I'm still looking for the right connectors for the base and the back of the Strike even I have the idea
裝燈 , 勁!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆02/19/2008 01:30:00]勁乜啞,都係在 Marcolau 兄的 Hi-v 處得到靈感 http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/rx-167f/article?mid=34
ReplyDelete[版主回覆02/19/2008 10:00:00]OK啦,一來朋友想要,二來老婆話我要砌完屋企啲存貨先可以再買...
做恐佈'拉燈'!之前果隻Hi-nu我 都 試過, 不過失敗咗! 下次 我會 再 試過. 希望 我 下次 會成功 啦 .
[版主回覆02/20/2008 01:35:00]剛剛拜訪你的舊blog posting,見不到Hi-nu頭燈D post wor... 完全放棄?
Sorry, 無 post 出嚟 , 失敗 原因 : 係 裝個頭 果 時 , 拉斷 咗 燈膽 條 電 線 , 要換 燈膽, 就要撬爛個頭 . 所以放棄咗 …
ReplyDelete[版主回覆02/20/2008 09:46:00]icic... I totally understand as my Zeta is installed with the HY2M head unit and it ran out of battery! To change battery, I'll have to open up the head! " 撬爛個頭 . 所以放棄咗 … "
ReplyDelete[版主回覆02/20/2008 09:49:00]I just thought about how it might look like then execute and list the steps for reference... No teaching la...
偉利個sales話啲燈仔真係燈膽,唔係LED!仲會燒! 被人冼咗嚄!