Finished the main body with the big sword and small knives... Going to business trip tomorrow and continue with the ISWP when I return!
Notice my Initial?

Head lights close up:

Finished the main body with the big sword and small knives... Going to business trip tomorrow and continue with the ISWP when I return!
Notice my Initial?
Head lights close up:
* 圖片轉載自
如我所料, 隻 GAT-X105E+IWSP = 黑突 + GAT-X105的IWSP! 如果你有睇上2期的機動世界, 你應該明白点解Bandai會出噤多款MG都用同一個模...
詳情 (包括所有parts圖片+說明書):
經過上次隻金屬沙煞比的恐怖水口經歷, 已決定唔會入 RX-93 Metalic Coating Version... 不過佢又真係好閃噯!
詳情 (包括所有parts圖片+說明書):
Second week of the Strike assembling. Gone through a few milestones!
Nails: added two big ones on each ankle and a small one on the side of the waist.
The ankles nails:
Drill small holes on the ankle plates and the back of the nails. Make centre core with the parts frames (heat up then pull).
Again, silver under paint then Gundam white.
I think it's okay... Hopefully it's not superfluous... (畫蛇添足)
The nails around the waist
And the nails in the arms
Then, the most challenging part: wiring to the display stand!
Drill small holes to run wires through the display stand's connector:
Other random pics during the assembly:
Bandai 又有新特別版!
FG 1/144 0 ガンダムゲットキャンペーン (0 Gundam Get! Campaign)
It just looks like a RX-78 + Strike + Exia!
可惜我完全無興趣砌FG... 有冇人有2枚"応募券"(FG盒中可尋)呢?
Manufactured by Kotobukiya:
価格: 1,050 yen each
004: for 1/144
第3彈 007 - 010
6月予定: 1,260 yen each: