wa............post such poison thing!! U want to poison all of us?! (I just kept asking myself "don't" touch it, as it is just a "Start"............... ) [版主回覆03/16/2010 16:09:00]Well, you know what, after I restarted building gunpla, I promised myself and my wife not to buy any more GFF or SCMPs. HOWEVER, as I never bought any Gundam head displays, I think I can buy at least one... It's not GFF or SCMP collection anyway, right?
U are absolutely correct, that's not GFF / GFFN / SCMP / HSMPro etc......! U are still tellling the truth!! Actually I can see that able to order from TB already, I love the pack and look very much. But I still don't want to use over $700 to just get a "display" stuff at home...........! (At least I prefer to buy the Unicorn first! XD) [版主回覆03/17/2010 10:26:00]On the other hand, I'm not interested with the Metal GFF as it can be build easily with the MG kit. BTW, support original la...
well......I don't understand why it looks much smaller than c3...............but, really good details! [版主回覆03/17/2010 10:44:00]Maybe the one as shown in C3 is just a prototype... Yeap, great detail! Been posioned hahaha...
If that's just the beginning...........I better stay away from that! XD BTW, I used to not happy with those 2 Astray, but I kept poisoned by the finished photos.......eg. http://zgmfxg.web.fc2.com/MG/ASTRAY/RED/3/MG_RED_3KAI_1.html So finally changed the mind............XD [版主回覆03/17/2010 11:47:00]I'm waiting for the gold frame hahaha...
The original 1/100 Gold Frame is very good already!! And I cannot imagine will add "something else" on the Gold Frame as well.............! Blue Astray actually got the problem of leg too thin (Red not that strong feeling on that). If release Gold Frame and using the same leg, that will feel much not balance as Gold Frame have a very strong upper body..........! [版主回覆03/17/2010 19:01:00]Let's wait and see hahaha...
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/16/2010 11:29:00]Yes! EFSF got it already: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/gundam_efsf/article?mid=5789
我昨日見SSP有貨賣7百幾, 不過唔大盒的~
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/16/2010 11:32:00]7百幾呢? 頭定尾? 我已完全中毒!!!
開模應該大把fans wor
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/16/2010 12:10:00]我只係想知個頭開唔開得...
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/16/2010 12:25:00]合哂你河車啦
我唔記得好清楚, 約低於7百中~
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/16/2010 12:54:00]收到
又真係有 d 毒 wor !! ~ 死,我可能會買添,以後唔入黎睇野喇 !! ><
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/16/2010 13:54:00]我自己都中哂...
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/16/2010 15:45:00]係好正常嘅反應...
wa............post such poison thing!! U want to poison all of us?! (I just kept asking myself "don't" touch it, as it is just a "Start"............... )
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/16/2010 16:09:00]Well, you know what, after I restarted building gunpla, I promised myself and my wife not to buy any more GFF or SCMPs. HOWEVER, as I never bought any Gundam head displays, I think I can buy at least one... It's not GFF or SCMP collection anyway, right?
U are absolutely correct, that's not GFF / GFFN / SCMP / HSMPro etc......! U are still tellling the truth!! Actually I can see that able to order from TB already, I love the pack and look very much. But I still don't want to use over $700 to just get a "display" stuff at home...........! (At least I prefer to buy the Unicorn first! XD)
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/17/2010 10:26:00]On the other hand, I'm not interested with the Metal GFF as it can be build easily with the MG kit. BTW, support original la...
不如夾錢覆啦 (x聰x 講過)
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/17/2010 10:27:00]夾錢覆? 夾錢買吖話? 但買咗可以擺在邊個邊?
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/17/2010 10:28:00]http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/gundam_efsf/article?mid=5789
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/17/2010 10:29:00]用支0.02灰色線筆都好易啫
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/17/2010 10:30:00]隊長買咗未呀?
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/17/2010 10:30:00]打得開個頭個胸就
I get this today $890...later post in my blog hehe
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/17/2010 00:18:00]知唔知個頭個胸等容唔容易打開呢...
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/17/2010 00:19:00]Cheapest quote so far is 748 but SK bought it at 890!
呢隻喺日本折扣都唔多, YODOBASHI標11350, YAMADA平D標10500, 10%還元折港幣約810大洋.
ReplyDelete好多人買 , 好彩半身像唔啱我
[版主回覆03/17/2010 10:40:00]真係唔啱? http://www.amiami.com/shop/ProductInfo/product_id/144701 : 9,420円 楽天市場: http://search.rakuten.co.jp/search/mall/FORMANIA+%E3%82%AC%E3%83%B3%E3%83%80%E3%83%A0/-/?c=3451 Cheapest 9420...
well......I don't understand why it looks much smaller than c3...............but, really good details!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/17/2010 10:44:00]Maybe the one as shown in C3 is just a prototype... Yeap, great detail! Been posioned hahaha...
你好毒....! 星期日係兆萬1/F螞蟻見過實物, 早知昨晚係現時點見到$7xx就帶佢番屋企
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/17/2010 10:41:00]仲係咪748呢...
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/17/2010 11:02:00]其實我仲等緊SK覆, 如果個頭個胸等容易打開我就...
If that's just the beginning...........I better stay away from that! XD BTW, I used to not happy with those 2 Astray, but I kept poisoned by the finished photos.......eg. http://zgmfxg.web.fc2.com/MG/ASTRAY/RED/3/MG_RED_3KAI_1.html So finally changed the mind............XD
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/17/2010 11:47:00]I'm waiting for the gold frame hahaha...
The original 1/100 Gold Frame is very good already!! And I cannot imagine will add "something else" on the Gold Frame as well.............! Blue Astray actually got the problem of leg too thin (Red not that strong feeling on that). If release Gold Frame and using the same leg, that will feel much not balance as Gold Frame have a very strong upper body..........!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/17/2010 19:01:00]Let's wait and see hahaha...
真係好毒 ~ 萬毒之王 ! 吾知邊間舖有實物睇呢
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/17/2010 19:02:00]B哥話兆萬1/F螞蟻見過實物..
好毒, 好毒, 中緊毒
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/18/2010 09:55:00]我已經有解藥, 可以免疫
攞過上手比想像中輕, 如果係KIT或者GK反而有興趣, 始終對完成品感覺爭DD.
ReplyDelete山田電機原來標10080(之前報錯料 ), 還元後折港幣約780大洋.
[版主回覆03/18/2010 09:55:00]我已經有解藥, 可以免疫
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/18/2010 09:56:00]哈哈哈... 香港依家都無貨, 復活節係時候架啦
夾錢買夾錢開模... 認真...!!!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/19/2010 13:51:00]我大人已say no, 所以已經唔關我事啦...
好痕毒o下 ......
ReplyDelete又要請示大人 .......
[版主回覆03/19/2010 13:51:00]希望你過到骨啦...
JKL兄不知有何解藥, 可以救救在下免疫ma... Thx
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/19/2010 13:52:00]就係大人say no...
Look real nice, waiting for this to come out for some time, must buy la!!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/21/2010 16:59:00]我已經放棄咗...
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/22/2010 11:47:00]Yeah