Good on you!! Is that still the same price? [版主回覆04/26/2010 00:20:00]Yes, but it will take more than 3 weeks! Send me a private post, gonna tell you something else...
Congratulation, man! Bought the air pump? Any target? As heard, sil air is pretty silent, but expensive. I'm using the taiwanese pump, pretty good, but noisy.. [版主回覆04/29/2010 19:00:00]Probably Sil-air 15A...
Once my air pump is broken, I would go for that too! Silence is really important FYI, it takes around 3k at 千里達 (1-2 years ago)? If broken, it takes around $800 to fix. [版主回覆04/29/2010 19:31:00]FYI, 15A is selling at 千里達 for $3550...
Wah, so expensive, man.. The boss at 千里達 told me that $800 fee cannot assured you anything. He told me that a client of him paid $800, but still broken. Anyway, the taiwanese air pump is around $1000 (at the moment) include yellow long pipe filter. [版主回覆04/30/2010 01:03:00]But most of them told me the 15A never breaks! I think I will just go for it...
可以有一個固定嘅工作間, 砌嘢都可以專心啲, 燈都可以再加多啲
ReplyDelete[版主回覆04/23/2010 11:45:00]以前個位都好固定, 但無窗
ReplyDelete[版主回覆04/23/2010 11:46:00]咪嗰一千零一隻VF-25S囉...
點解我睇黎睇去, 都唔明你講的一, 二及三號玩具櫃係邊張圖....
[版主回覆04/23/2010 11:48:00]因為二,三號櫃未影相吖嗎... 要問問大人先, 再call...
ReplyDelete[版主回覆04/23/2010 17:50:00]上屋搬下屋, 要dump好多嘢呢...
[版主回覆04/26/2010 00:08:00]二、三號櫃的實況... 返來再影 OK, check check 先...
有固定工作臺, 係模人既夢想, 我哩d得走鬼檔. 不過好過要去廁所既... 恭喜恭喜
ReplyDelete[版主回覆04/26/2010 00:10:00]嘩! 島主要走鬼都砌得咁快! 我真係要好好檢土下
有了新架部, 可以再大展拳腳啦
ReplyDelete[版主回覆04/26/2010 00:05:00]可以再大展槍筆至真...
[版主回覆04/26/2010 00:06:00]OIC! 揾埋你師夫食晏都好易添
恭喜恭喜,終於定檔了 你呢個工作間我真係想都冇得想,我都係返入廁所好了
ReplyDelete[版主回覆04/26/2010 00:07:00]我都輝咗好多年先得架...
ReplyDelete[版主回覆04/26/2010 00:10:00]Thanks mate! Finally decided to get your booth hahaha...
有窗!咁加多抽氣箱,就可以"肆無忌憚"地噴油啦 ~
ReplyDelete[版主回覆04/26/2010 00:11:00]你點知架
so nice wor!! looking fwd to see them all.
ReplyDelete[版主回覆04/26/2010 00:11:00]等多陣啦
Congra! SO u can have airhrish? :)
ReplyDelete[版主回覆04/26/2010 00:11:00]Yeap
恭喜新工作間落成 !
ReplyDelete睇來百會係新間第一砲 !
[版主回覆04/26/2010 00:12:00]這個嗎... 真係好難講
[版主回覆04/26/2010 00:13:00]一打開窗就噴灰
一搬就去到咁遠 不過我都係成日去果頭
ReplyDelete[版主回覆04/26/2010 00:13:00]都三個站啫
原來搬去北角! 一號櫃捱唔到好耐就爆,尤其是你老人家砌 1:100 多!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆04/26/2010 00:14:00]所以依家要專心砌笑笑團
好嘢, 有返個私家竇
ReplyDelete[版主回覆04/26/2010 00:15:00]只係得半間房架咋...
Good on you!! Is that still the same price?
ReplyDelete[版主回覆04/26/2010 00:20:00]Yes, but it will take more than 3 weeks! Send me a private post, gonna tell you something else...
一打開窗就噴灰/噴油? 睇下隔籬有冇晾衫好喎.... 唔係第日隔籬d衫變晒迷彩服 團長噴筆上色封印解除, 我隱隱感到模壇風起雲湧之勢即將來到....
ReplyDelete[版主回覆04/27/2010 00:24:00]茅問題, 對面係office building... 封印解除, 但我意味唔到鄭伊健或郭富城喎...
好正o既私人工作檯,仲要對住自己作品櫃,就算唔噴油,坐o係度睇番自己o的作品都係一種享受 ~
ReplyDelete[版主回覆04/29/2010 09:34:00]哈哈哈, 唔噴油坐喺度坐坐下會訓着喎...
Congratulation, man! Bought the air pump? Any target? As heard, sil air is pretty silent, but expensive. I'm using the taiwanese pump, pretty good, but noisy..
ReplyDelete[版主回覆04/29/2010 19:00:00]Probably Sil-air 15A...
Once my air pump is broken, I would go for that too! Silence is really important FYI, it takes around 3k at 千里達 (1-2 years ago)? If broken, it takes around $800 to fix.
ReplyDelete[版主回覆04/29/2010 19:31:00]FYI, 15A is selling at 千里達 for $3550...
Wah, so expensive, man.. The boss at 千里達 told me that $800 fee cannot assured you anything. He told me that a client of him paid $800, but still broken. Anyway, the taiwanese air pump is around $1000 (at the moment) include yellow long pipe filter.
ReplyDelete[版主回覆04/30/2010 01:03:00]But most of them told me the 15A never breaks! I think I will just go for it...
I think so , but just in case.
ReplyDelete[版主回覆04/30/2010 23:32:00]Well... Hope that it will not happen to me...
[版主回覆05/03/2010 11:03:00]應該會買但未買...