
MG [Zeta Gundam - Special Coating Edition] X [HY2M 12]

Completed on 23rd October 2007

The inner cover:

Instead of using the supplied head, I used the HY2M 12's Zeta Coated Edition:

Well, I have to say this is the worst GUNPLA MG that I have ever made! 
The problem is the glossy coating!  Can't use normal paints to cover up the cut marks...

90% completed:

Done! Photo shoot with M.S.G. Mechanical Chain Base:


  1. 鍍銀的感覺不錯啊!不知道是如何處理「水口位」呢?路過的人
    [版主回覆12/09/2007 18:13:00]For me, I can't find any good method.  I just touch up with similar metallic base paint then put on stickers to hide the worst parts.

  2. 唔係喎, 都唔錯喎, 唔係好覺 d 水口位
    但係 d 夾口就................
    [版主回覆08/28/2008 17:24:00]好大條"啦"...
