坐零晨機六點幾到羽田機場, 一大清早坐車入横浜市...





坐四十分鍾來到鎌倉, 初初以為郊區無咁多人, 點知當日有個什麼「新嘗祭」! 多人到爆...

某兩間出名嘅外賣食店, 其它都有我兩公婆而老婆話唔想上鏡喎...

見到一間拉麵店... 叫Naruto!

去到廟附近, 真係人山人海!




行入啲又多個「中華街」牌坊! 呢個堅嘅! 後面就係唐人街...

呢條唐人街跟其它國家嘅好唔同... 聽唔到人講中文!

ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/27/2008 17:41:00]心郁郁就去玩吓啦...
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/27/2008 17:43:00]如果有extra time就去行行新港区啦...
我唔同你地呀```一來無咁多時間,二來無咁多銀倆(最主要都係呢個 )而且辦個Passport都唔容易```都係等以後有做足準備至殺過去玩個夠本啦```
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/28/2008 00:33:00]有機會真係要過去一行!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/28/2008 01:26:00]No 啦! Disney喺東京灣另一面...
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/28/2008 17:56:00]無呀, 只係坐JR經過... 但「麵包超人館」真係比10歲以下兒童咋喎...
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/29/2008 21:57:00]好難講架喎, 要睇吓有無特價機票同酒店嘅package...
睇咗你咁多日本嘅吃喝玩樂,真係就嚟忍唔住要去一次```正所謂人一世物一世,老虎蟹都要去一次呀```所以打算湊備D資金去豪返下 (不過可能要湊好幾年 )
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/30/2008 03:18:00]有個目標去湊錢点都係好事!
Hi JKL 兄,
ReplyDeleteI came across your blog and I was very much impressed by photos you have on gundam models and all your travels in Japan! I am so envious! Thanks for posting so much excellent content so someone like me (living in Australia) can enjoy it! By the way, I can read all the chinese so you don't have to reply in English if you don't want to. Thanks dude!
[版主回覆12/01/2008 21:44:00]Hi W-Daddy, thanks for dropping by. So, where are you living in Australia? I came to know another Blogger from Sydney! p.s. If you don't mind I will reply in EN too as it's much easier then writing on the Chinese pad.
G'day JKL,
ReplyDeleteI am in Melbourne. I love Gundam model as well, but not that 'pro', so that's why I admire models that are well built & painted, and I love visiting all the model shops in Mongkok each time I return to HK for a holiday. I just wish there is a good level of interests and passion of gundam models in Melb too. Sadly, there are only a small handful of shops around here, and their stock are quite limited and expensive....so, it's terrible for gundam fans living in Melb. It's no where near as good as the market in HK, let alone Japan!
I am also a big Macross fan, do you have good model pics of Macross? If so, pls give me some links! Thanks in advance!
[版主回覆12/03/2008 01:36:00]Yeah, Billy (the guy who lives in Sydney) told me about Australia already! As for Macross?! Hahaha... I'd love to buy just don't want to start another piles of stock... Will see...
ReplyDeleteI don't have a chance to travel to Japan as easily as you can since Australia is so far away from any country.... If I get to visit Japan, which city should I concentrate on to see the most comprehensive/exciting display of Gundam models? Or what time of the year is best for a show or exhibition?
I think I would also have to visit Tamiya's head office too, see link.
[版主回覆12/04/2008 09:59:00]Of course Tokyo and spend at least a day at Akihabara! http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/gundam-jkl/index?l=f&id=30 Shows and expos are usually late summer or early autum. Instead of Tamiya office, I will visit Bandai's...
O? Where is BANDAI's office in Japan (Tokyo)? Is it open for visit?
ReplyDelete[版主回覆12/07/2008 01:54:00]It's not right at Tokyo by close by: http://www.bandai-museum.jp/ However, I think they don't have English tour, only Japanese...
Wow, the BANDAI museum looks pretty cool. No English tour! Gee...that is why I wish I can speak and read Japanese!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆12/07/2008 22:18:00]Hahaha... Me too!
我只是 2001年去過橫濱一次。好舒服的地方,好想去多次。但大人總是麻麻地,所以咁耐都無再落過。
[版主回覆11/16/2010 14:46:00]又再從溫我的遊記?仲未搵到地方去咩?
[版主回覆11/16/2010 18:01:00]十月尾我本來打算去川越: http://www.koedo.org/ http://www.koedo.or.jp/0_japanese/index.html