先去Anthony屋企倒亂... 一套套的細figure:


依隻大貨櫃係年頭我在東京中野行咗好耐先幫佢揾到嫁! 果然係貨櫃, 要霸哂成格櫃!
有無見過Zeta cup holder?

話哂係高達電車男, 更係要去揾吓模型舖啦! 聽Anthony講本地有班勁模型人合資攪咗間workshop喺Richmond, 點知去到已經關門大吉...

後來在Richmond Center裡面, 揾到間玩具屋... 有Gunpla, DVD, Manga, GFF, EMIA...

店員話mail order over CAD 50就免費shipping... 加拿大的blog友不訪諗諗...
在温哥華仲有乜好做? 風景唔講啦, 大把travel site! 講吓食經啦!
Provence Marinaside
依間餐廳好幾年前K-Freshman帶我去過, 今次再去食lunch, 啲嘢都仲keep住水準...

出面仲有假溪(False Creek)景添!

地址: 1177 Marinaside Crescent, Vancouver
電話: +1 (604) 681-4144
URL: http://www.provencevancouver.com/marinaside/
email: marinaside@provencevancouver.com
依間茶館有世界各地的靚茶飲, 一set二人嘆茶CAD 5.95! Desert另計...

地址: 3702 Main Street, Vancouver
電話: +1 (604) 873-5151
URL: http://www.shaktea.ca/
email: tea@shaktea.ca

薯茸海鮮甫 CAD 4.38

佛跳牆湯餃 CAD 5.98

成個碗噤大的蝦餃 CAD 4.68
地址: 8511 Alexandra Rd, Richmond
電話: +1 (604) 249-0082
講住噤多先! 下周再續...
crap, i miss vancity.
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/10/2008 03:30:00]Then come with us next year!
Sakura 的模型不是平,與其幫襯佢不如直接在日本的網店買!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/10/2008 07:46:00]Really, didn't compare the price myself...
U are always travelling!? :)
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/10/2008 10:01:00]I guess I only spend half of my time in HK...
Overseas.............really not "too much" Gunpla market!! Even in Syd, just 2 shops can find Gunpla, price is pretty expensive as well!! (At least 2-3 times more expensive than HK!! Orz..............)
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/10/2008 10:01:00]So, do you mail order or just purchase whenever you go back to HK?
From the time I study in Aus, I generally would ask my fd to post to me from HK. I did that for nearly 7 years like that. But the postage fee is very very expensive, especially for things which are heavy. For those big models, like the 1/144 GP03S with Dendrobium, I got to back to HK and take it by myself through the flight. However...............recently (this 1/2 yr) found another to buy ACG stuff, that's from China Taobao.com, nearly any stuff I want can also get that from there. And there's lot of low price EMS (actually same as normal EMS, just they got discount) available. So recently would generally order from there. (next target may be big 1/400 White Base!! XD)
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/10/2008 13:31:00]Hahaha... as for me, I usually buy them in Tokyo's discount store with redemption points for the next purchase
玉庭軒, 去過兩次咁大把...
ReplyDelete對Shaktea有興趣, 下次去Vancouver一定要試!
[版主回覆05/10/2008 13:34:00]乜你都係Vancouver回流人仕咩? BTW, 依家預定24号下午三至四点左右集成模型show交貨... 你過唔過到嚟呢?
Welcome back !
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/11/2008 01:41:00]Thanks! But you live in Toronto, right?
I mean Canada...
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/11/2008 02:01:00]In fact, my wife was thinking of a short trip to Toronto but she gave up the idea! Maybe next year! Why are we typing English now, hahaha... Is it because I'm now in Vancouver?
It is because I am now in the office !
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/11/2008 02:17:00]It's SUNDAY man!!! Get out and enjoy la... As for me... lazy to type Chinese hahaha...
Today is Saturday! You are too happy, man!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/11/2008 02:25:00]Hahaha... Right! I'm still on HK calendar...
ReplyDeleteJKL兄成日都嘗到咁正既美食,每次睇你既日誌都搞到我 ... ...
[版主回覆05/11/2008 12:25:00]叉電...係叉架PSP! 哈哈哈... 依家成日掛住打GUNDAM BATTLE CHRONICLE... Tempo哥話下隻UNIVERSE可以繼承上集save, 機體一出就可以用番上集d改做, 唔洗再重新儲points...
又係玩同食 !! 你就爽啦 .......
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/12/2008 03:38:00]今次真係食同玩, 只間中check吓公司email, 都真係幾爽... 不過返港後就要節食! 肥咗好多呢...
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/12/2008 03:42:00]你回應時剛剛係香港晚飯時間, 噤你有無去食多D呀?
[版主回覆05/12/2008 03:49:00]以前喺道住嗰時無噤啲模型鋪... 好肚饑? 有無食宵夜呀?
你真係呀,去到邊,食到邊,搞到我依家好餓添......... 引死人咩
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/12/2008 03:45:00]噤夜都唔訓, 明天放假?? 下星期book咗間好"金"啲西餐... 可能真係會引死人...
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/12/2008 05:13:00]Gundam Fix Figuration: http://tamashii.jp-network.co.jp/item/item_cte02.php?cmsdsessionid=1009c8813bf7e1a20a875f93da9a7e5a
Vancouver doesn't seem to have a lot differences compare to Toronto 模型 should be cheaper than Toronto
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/12/2008 05:14:00]In terms of food, the two places should be very similar. But the city itself is very different.
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/12/2008 15:57:00]什麽是"達人"呢?
[版主回覆05/13/2008 02:27:00] 原來如始! 噤我一定唔qualify... 中文程度太差啦...