見大家咁多回應, 再毒多兩成先!
資料提供: http://hobby.dengeki.com/hobby/index.html
昨晚一搭正零時就入 http://bandai-hobby.net/seedmg 用盒MG的password download咗條片, 但原來已經有人upload咗上網:
今日放工即刻奔去Akiba! 點解?? 今日出MG ZGMF-X56S/a Force Impulse Gundam囉!
見到敢啲素組, 即刻心動!

之後哪哪聲奔去Yodobashi Camera入貨, 仲比我見到壽屋啲格納庫007 & 008:

大鑊!! 未得老婆的approval, 為有先入後求...
返到酒店check件 :

除咗盒MG109 & 壽屋格納庫, 仲揾到金屬尖釘及0.02mm的線筆 (之前只見0.03mm... 秋葉原電撃Super Modelers)

盒Force Impulse附有初回限定特典:

應該係PHASE-IMPULSE MG EDITION的網上視頻預覽的password! 明天問吓啲日本同事睇吓究景係乜...

壽屋的格納庫007 & 008已經可以做屋頂!

can be the ceiling!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/23/2008 08:56:00]Oh yeah!!!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/23/2008 09:00:00]碌劍真係好長... 因我有Yodobashi的績分, 只係用咗2,805円... 大约港纸210啦!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/23/2008 09:11:00]噤你有無比老婆炸刑呀?
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/23/2008 09:21:00]我本來諗住忍吓手等隻RX-78 ver2.0, 但係睇完相後覺得佢唔係好掂... 又剛剛在咦邊見到隻Impulse的實物, 一嘢就中毒!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/23/2008 09:23:00]好... 一定要入! 隻嘢好detail!
隻impluse真係好正喎~~咁快一出就特價$3300yen???? 香港十一算都有啦...
[版主回覆05/23/2008 09:27:00]因我有Yodobashi的績分, 只係用咗2,805円... 大约港纸210啦... 係 0.02 mm的晝線筆嚟呀! 唔洗滴油又抹餐死...
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/23/2008 09:30:00]我嚟親都會帶多個摺得埋的hand carry, 以便手提大大盒的模型返港...
[版主回覆05/23/2008 09:55:00]如我之我覆許樂... 我本來諗住忍吓手等隻RX-78 ver2.0, 但係睇完相後覺得佢唔係好掂... 又剛剛在咦邊見到隻Impulse的實物, 一嘢就中毒!
係呀... 在日本GUNPLA一出就有特價... 等你立刻中毒...
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/23/2008 13:05:00]Instead, I sugget you to get one 07 & one 08 and wait for 09 & 10...
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/23/2008 13:12:00]香港有01至06, 大約70元左右... 單一層比1:144, 二層比1:100, 如下: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/gundam-jkl/article?mid=513
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/23/2008 13:47:00]咁快啲去入貨啦...
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/23/2008 14:32:00]我平時都無show出來, 只是用作影相bckground...
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/23/2008 15:03:00]咁你咪淨係影相先攞出來囉...
the MG impulse is really attractive
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/24/2008 21:50:00]係呀, 係呀, 一嘢就比佢毒到...
I also buy it yesterday , I think the sword is to big !!!!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/24/2008 21:52:00]香港咁快到貨? 定係在第道買呢?
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/25/2008 01:07:00]有成百盒Impulse!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/25/2008 01:35:00]Download落嚟嗰套好清... 唔知秋天會出邊隻SEED啲MG呢?
Impulse, must buy item for next round ordering from China. They are selling about RMB$25x, ok price to me already. The Base...........I don't have any right now, consider to get some. But they are quite expensive!!! ~_~ About RMB $6x to$8x!! Orz.............!! The CG movie, I've watched the online ver. Seems that..............this yr.............our wallet .......... would be............!! ($ out $ out.........!)
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/25/2008 11:35:00]Hey Billy,which China site are you ordering from? Can you share with other overseas bloggers?
金屬尖釘0.02線筆^^ 係咪好好用嫁?
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/25/2008 12:08:00]金屬尖釘是用來改下隻MG用的, 支0.02mm線筆仲未開, 不過之前買的0.03mm線筆就好好用!
No worry brother: http://www.taobao.com/ 淘宝网 This is the main page. You can search anything you want from there. Up to this moment, I can find anything I want from there. http://shop33748126.taobao.com/ 『趣风堂』动漫模型时尚志《模魂志》合作伙伴 -玩具/动漫/模型/卡通 - 淘宝网 This is the one I normally would order. Theirs price generally would be lower than the other shop in China. My ordering procedure would be ordered from the shop, ask the seller delivery to the courier at Shanghai. The courier would help me to collect all of them in one box, then send to me by EMS. The courier giving me discount on normal EMS. The fee would even lower than the airmail from HK to Australia. (similar with the other countires!!!)
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/25/2008 12:11:00]Hope this can help other bloggers in Canada...
宇宙船 buy 的
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/25/2008 22:24:00]香港宇宙船還是東京的? 如果係香港的, 咁佢又返貨返得好快喎!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/25/2008 22:25:00]睇唔到?? 睇真啲啦... 我又加相啦!
ReplyDelete早2日已經見到yahoo 有得bid, 出面未見有現貨.
[版主回覆05/25/2008 22:26:00]香港應該好快有...
咁型, 睇黎要買番隻mg freedom 俾佢斬先得喇!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/25/2008 22:34:00]我之前買咗隻電鍍版MG Freedom, 為了影佢被Impulse斬, 又入咗隻電鍍版1/100 Impulse: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/gundam-jkl/article?mid=110
睇黎要買多隻普通版MG Freedom俾呢隻MG Impulse斬先得!
香港宇宙船 buy 的
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/25/2008 22:35:00]佢都好快... 日本22号先出...
[版主回覆05/26/2008 00:29:00]OK...OK... Last啦, 唔敢啦... (其實都已經用哂十成功力 ) 你都係schedule咗3隻姐, 我個半月內要完成隻MS-06R, 之後攪埋隻TR-1, 秋前希望可以砌到之前plan咗的Strike Freedom & Z3! 呢隻都唔知要排到幾時?! 我用咗2,805円, 哈哈哈... 比你的預算平3円
有JKL兄的日本速報&開盒報告, 真係可以慳番唔少買書$$, THX!! 你d 日本速遞" 毒物 " , 一定毒到唔少blog友~~~
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/26/2008 00:34:00]唔洗唔該... 我都只係想同啲同好分享吓姐...
我一定毒到唔少blog友... 移我係第一個...
好正喎! 呢次隻MG Impulse真係掂,自己明明不喜歡Impulse及飛鳥真的,唔知點解好心急入手呢隻 。
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/26/2008 01:22:00]我同你一樣, 一路都不喜歡Impulse及飛鳥真! 但見到素組的實物之後又忍唔住...
Very poision...........the new photos.
ReplyDeleteBut I proposed to buy that immediately alreay, so no worry!!
[版主回覆05/26/2008 10:06:00]I know I've got you already!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/26/2008 10:11:00]係喎, 搵老襯兄只砌144, 當然無甘容只易被誘...
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/26/2008 10:16:00]Hey, 昨天你來遲咗, 無太多時間同你吹水, 下次繼續...
p.s. 你上個blog都好毒姐...
ReplyDelete你個POST最毒就係全部都係日本影!!! 好想去啊!!!
[版主回覆05/26/2008 11:39:00]毒唔到你入Impulse添... 遲下用支0.02mm線筆後再出report...
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/26/2008 18:42:00]哈哈...沒錯...
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/27/2008 02:03:00]Check咗啦, 是水性...
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/27/2008 09:26:00]不用羡慕, 你也去入貨吧... p.s. 你的Spider很美!
ReplyDelete我以前都係先斬後奏, 但而家實在太多存貨, 多咗一兩件揸Fit人都發現唔到 . 我而家斬咗係唔會奏嫁啦!
To Dilaton哥,
前年係日本手提隻PG Strike上機, 比佢照到把刀, 個女關員當場拆爛我個盒, 要衝公把刀, 好彩危急關頭, 有個男關員放我一馬, 我行過押口時, 果個啊姐仲用好狠毒嘅眼神超住我.. 所以都係寄倉好D.
[版主回覆05/27/2008 12:49:00]1. 你就好啦... 2. 你係咪先"昅"咗呀女關員好耐呀?
ReplyDelete隻飛鳥真係唔差,越睇越想 ...
[版主回覆05/27/2008 13:55:00]格納庫單一層比例係1:144, 二層就1:100, 如下: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/gundam-jkl/article?mid=513 001-006: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/gundam-jkl/index?l=f&id=16 隻衝擊高達唔好諗咁多啦... 快啲入啦...
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/27/2008 13:56:00]龍飛兄唔使我毒, 自己毒自己呼?
洗唔洗買得咁快 !? ~ ... 我等佢平D先,還掂存貨砌極都未到佢 ~ .....
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/29/2008 19:47:00]我忍...忍...忍...唔住吖嗎...
好想睇下段 mg phase impulse pv tudou 上 那段太蒙啦.. 可唔可以 upload 個 password / 段 HD 清 的 impulse pv 上泥啊?? 好想睇HD版AR!!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆06/05/2008 11:16:00]Sorry, 個password只可以用3次... Post出嚟都已經無用!
下.. 笨大咁屈呢 咁可唔可以直接 up 段HD片 上 filegone / rapidshare 之類的 file host 俾d brother 分享下啊?? 睇過部分cap圖 真係好正好正!! 毒死人了
ReplyDelete[版主回覆06/05/2008 16:03:00]我都想, 但Bandai落咗DRM License protection! 試過crack但crack唔到...我都想, 但Bandai落咗DRM License protection! 試過crack但crack唔到...
DRM License Protection?? B記呢招好毒 但 B高一尺 宅高一丈 我們有 Tunebite 實驗證明 http://neoprolacus.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!57110DB35573F2A8!3190.entry 絕對可以好快CRACK到 PHASE IMPULSE PV 不過 該網只提供較粗糙的FLV版 希望 BLOG 主 JKL 前輩 可以幫下手 上 http://tunebite.com/en/remove_drm/index.html DOWNLOAD 個 破解 搞搞佢 到時 兄弟們都有 高清WMV睇了!! 感恩!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆06/05/2008 22:10:00]哈哈哈, 個demo version只可convert 60秒的video! 不如下次版聚我攞埋部notebook出來show俾大家睇啦!
打漏了白金破解版 Tunebite Platnium v5.0.335.30 參考網址: http://www.28talk.com/viewthread.php?tid=77480 下載網址 兩者皆可: http://www.badongo.com/file/7622453 http://w13.easy-share.com/1698961921.html 當然是有得收藏和CAP圖好了 JKL 兄 想 備份 或 燒碟做珍藏 都方便D啦 DRM - Protected 的視訊 燒碟同複製都有問題 在windows media player 以外的 player ( 包 GOM. Media player classic. winamp. ) 同埋 其他 OS (LINUX/轉左WINDOWS 版本)都有可能播唔到 梗係 CRACK 左佢個DRM著數啦
ReplyDelete[版主回覆06/06/2008 12:19:00]Thank you so much for all these info! I will try later (before I need to reinstall XP).
JKL 不用CRACK了 我已經找到了 http://bbs.gspirits.cn/showtopic-2402.aspx 難怪怎 SEARCH 也 SEARCH 不到 UPLOAD 位人兄張個 FILE 名打錯左 變左 PHASE-IMPLUSE
ReplyDelete[版主回覆06/06/2008 12:19:00]Cool! THX again!
係啦 JKL 兄 的 原裝 PV 係 幾多乘幾多架?? 我DOWNLOAD 那段是 640 * 360 雖然都幾清 但做唔到 WALL PAPER 有 1024 或 1280 就好了 期待你的破解
ReplyDelete[版主回覆06/10/2008 12:24:00]條原裝PV都係640x360...
ReplyDelete早排 GUNDAM 00 也 HD 播放
笨大花咁多$$整段咁短又咁正的PV 都唔用HD
[版主回覆06/10/2008 17:44:00]我諗係因為file size的問題! 如果放條1,366x768, 應該會過100M, 1,920x1,024就諗都唔好諗... 話哂都係download, 唔係BT吖嗎...
咁又係ar.. 但出得 640*360 連 1024 都冇又真係好浪費d CG人員的心血 聽d人話下次 MG SEED 按片尾 會係 INFINITE JUSTICE 但佢個 1 比 100 都已經好靚啦 唔通 PROVIDENCE. AEGIS. SAVIOUR. 真係遙遙無期?? 講開AR. 除左UC 之外 其他 TIME LINE 好似未出過反派機 ( DESTINY 唔計 )
ReplyDeleteBrother, I finally can find the pen............! But only 0.03mm..............!!! http://item.rakuten.co.jp/hobbyist/copic0002/ But 0.02mm sold out...............!!! From your experience, is that a big difference between that?
ReplyDelete[版主回覆08/31/2008 00:33:00]Not much for 1/100 but definitely need 0.02mm for 1/144!
Understand brother!! As 0.02 sold out at all Rakuten.shop (or may be I don't know how to search..............!)!! Got to wait until later to order together with 0.03 until restock............!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆08/31/2008 10:36:00]But you are building 1/100 nowadays, right? So order 0.03 la...
Ha Ha Ha, u know me. AOZ and Gundam 00 series would build 1/144 first. The local postage fee would push me to buy more stuff together at "1" order. So.......wait a while then!! (as the agent also back to China for Olympic, until end of Sep as well, so that got to wait for this reason..............XD)
ReplyDelete[版主回覆08/31/2008 23:42:00]Right, wait for the other stuffs and save on postage (BUT PAY MORE ON GUNPLA)!
AOZ I don't mind ah!!! As I got lot of stock already!!! 00............new season is coming!!!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆09/01/2008 09:07:00]Lucky that I don't particularly like the 00 series Gundams...
00 series "not yet" too horrible yet!! Up to this moment still can handle!! MG...........big "wok" d...........XD