wow there is alot which one have the most range of gundam or do u no any with one that is cheap or ones u normally go to so which one will u recommend cause there is lots there thz alot jkl gor [版主回覆11/18/2009 10:17:00]I usually buy my gunpla in Tokyo... In HK, I go 太源街 ( ) and 廣華街... But I am not sure which shop has the best price...
嘿嘿........我地星期5見啦 ^^"
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/17/2009 15:02:00]我後日過日本, 所以揾咗亞TOM幫我set件... 星期5你影返d擺件花絮出pos啦...
想問吓時間? Thx.
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/17/2009 15:05:00]我相信會跟商場營業時間一樣
or the name or where about it is :D
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/17/2009 15:09:00]I guess this should help:
如果是找我拿件去擺的話我會不好意思答應的 水平不行哎
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/17/2009 15:11:00]Mamoru的好東西都說水平不行??? 那我的要回家吧...
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/17/2009 15:13:00]去支持其他猛人嘅作品啦... 但我驚我的肉作會拉低水平...
雖然個位就“了能”D , 不過有時間都會走去支持一下!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/17/2009 15:18:00]如果我無記錯, 舊年集成之後都無咁嘅模型show啦...
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/17/2009 18:23:00]你都出件?
[版主回覆11/18/2009 10:09:00]今次唔關我事架喎...
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/18/2009 10:10:00]多謝支持本地模型製/創作人
wow there is alot which one have the most range of gundam or do u no any with one that is cheap or ones u normally go to so which one will u recommend cause there is lots there thz alot jkl gor
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/18/2009 10:17:00]I usually buy my gunpla in Tokyo... In HK, I go 太源街 ( ) and 廣華街... But I am not sure which shop has the best price...
咁到時可以現場睇你這件作品了~ ^^
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/18/2009 10:13:00]唔好行咁近喎... 因為有四個失手位會見光死...
有時間一定去睇, 反正成日落紅磡 針對唔夠電的問題 駁火牛,同用遙控開關應該係一個可行的解決方法 我都著手開始諗點先做得到, 唔可以比人覺得剎那的光輝唔代表永恆呀嘛
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/18/2009 14:39:00]哈哈哈... 你都知我興玩內置電源架啦... 至於遙控開關, 講咗好耐都未有時間實行... 笑笑團之後吧...
好想黎,不過我呢輪忙到嘔茄,到時睇下有冇可能偷雞過黎喇 ~
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/18/2009 14:36:00]到十二月中,得閑d先去啦...
haha~我係持久燈~可以著 兩個禮拜...代價係離唔開個台...
[版主回覆11/18/2009 22:02:00]哈哈哈... 咁我咪變咗快燈手...
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/18/2009 22:20:00]仲未有時間去揾粒IC呀...
thz so much for helping almighty jkl gor
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/19/2009 23:25:00]No problem man! Hope it helps...
甘快又有新野搞 !
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/19/2009 23:26:00]今次唔係我哋搞嘅function喎...
雖然小弟對科幻野認識係零, 但看JKL兄的作品, 每次都覺得干淨企理, 感覺舒服呢!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/23/2009 00:42:00]mui爸實在太客氣了! 你架車雖然我未見成品, 但從圖片中已見得何其細緻精美...