今次d相少左d 喎,罰你去多幾間影多d相返離啦 今次件"牛油"好似好肥喎.睇到有d覺肥膩滯 , 但d霜降又好似好鬼正.aya 唯有當睇舊油唔到,睇舊油唔到. [版主回覆03/29/2009 06:48:00]Did you check out the prev post? http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/gundam-jkl/article?mid=10808
There's a Japanese All-You-Can-Eat Restaurant in Toronto They Quality is very good, price is not expensive (dinner is below 20 CAD for an adult on weekdays) the restaurant has been around for 2-3 yrs, the Quality has not changed at all [版主回覆03/30/2009 15:27:00]月月, all you can eat's quality is way behind this... Check out the original store and you will know why: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!DUCEQzeYGxtDTLDHaTeX6yseAQ--/article?mid=7214
I agreed with you about most of the All-You-Can-Eat places except for the one I mentioned the cook was from Japan, the stuff he made can be compared to the individual orders restaurants [版主回覆03/31/2009 09:38:00]When I was still living in Vancouver, I got to know a few Japanese chefs... After a few years of saving, one of them open up his own little Japanese restaurant... In fact, he told me most of the good Japanese restaurants in Canada will hire Japanese chefs as locals can't make good sushi and stuffs... Anyhow, dinning is not just feeding the stomach. Taste and presentation is also very important (at least to me... ). However, what's most important is your own satisfaction. As long as you are satisfied then it's GOOD...
that's true, taste and presentation are important anyhow, when I have the chance, I MUST go to Japan and try those restaurants for a better comparison. (^^ spent money and encourage the economy) because I am only comparing the ones in Toronto, many of the Japanese restaurants can't make sushi at all or get good raw fish for their food. They squeeze the rice and the raw fish in one thing, can't even taste the fish....=.= Some have the look of a sushi, but don't have the taste. Some can't even cook, they put heavy sauce to hide the real taste. [版主回覆03/31/2009 13:57:00]Yeah, I heard from my friends from Toronto that sushi and sashimi are not good over there. On the other hand, Vancouver got good selections of raw fish as it is facing the Pacific and closer to import from Japan... My advice, if they put heavy teriyaki source, don't eat it as it may cause you digestion problem...
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/29/2009 00:04:00]日本九成以上嘅餐應廳都係沒有英文菜單架...
今次d相少左d 喎,罰你去多幾間影多d相返離啦 今次件"牛油"好似好肥喎.睇到有d覺肥膩滯 , 但d霜降又好似好鬼正.aya 唯有當睇舊油唔到,睇舊油唔到.
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/29/2009 06:48:00]Did you check out the prev post? http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/gundam-jkl/article?mid=10808
I asked myself don't come in as I didn't take "breakfast" yet.............!! (again?! )
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/30/2009 01:17:00]What can I say...
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/30/2009 01:19:00]今晚嗰餐post埋可能仲大鑊! 咁過多日先出啦...
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/30/2009 01:19:00]當然是日式的...
[版主回覆03/30/2009 15:24:00]哈哈哈, 我係一個好中意"食"嘅人, 好捨得洗錢落去飲飲食食... 如果以食物嘅品質而論, 在香港要洗多三倍價錢先食到咁正嘅和牛... 當晚嗰餐最後係有烏冬, 而且我們也有追加和牛order, 所以飽到加零一...
There's a Japanese All-You-Can-Eat Restaurant in Toronto
ReplyDeleteThey Quality is very good, price is not expensive (dinner is below 20 CAD for an adult on weekdays)
the restaurant has been around for 2-3 yrs, the Quality has not changed at all
[版主回覆03/30/2009 15:27:00]月月, all you can eat's quality is way behind this... Check out the original store and you will know why: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!DUCEQzeYGxtDTLDHaTeX6yseAQ--/article?mid=7214
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/30/2009 15:29:00]語言唔係指發音? 唔通你講body language?
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/31/2009 01:04:00]你聽日一定求救...
不知怎說了 上回我去韓國時的服務生說英文語…… 像火星人語言…… 像說髒話……
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/31/2009 01:08:00]韓國人說話時的語氣就像鬥嘴, 所以你覺得他們在說髒話也見怪不怪...
I agreed with you about most of the All-You-Can-Eat places except for the one I mentioned the cook was from Japan, the stuff he made can be compared to the individual orders restaurants
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/31/2009 09:38:00]When I was still living in Vancouver, I got to know a few Japanese chefs... After a few years of saving, one of them open up his own little Japanese restaurant... In fact, he told me most of the good Japanese restaurants in Canada will hire Japanese chefs as locals can't make good sushi and stuffs... Anyhow, dinning is not just feeding the stomach. Taste and presentation is also very important (at least to me... ). However, what's most important is your own satisfaction. As long as you are satisfied then it's GOOD...
that's true, taste and presentation are important anyhow, when I have the chance, I MUST go to Japan and try those restaurants for a better comparison. (^^ spent money and encourage the economy) because I am only comparing the ones in Toronto, many of the Japanese restaurants can't make sushi at all or get good raw fish for their food. They squeeze the rice and the raw fish in one thing, can't even taste the fish....=.= Some have the look of a sushi, but don't have the taste. Some can't even cook, they put heavy sauce to hide the real taste.
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/31/2009 13:57:00]Yeah, I heard from my friends from Toronto that sushi and sashimi are not good over there. On the other hand, Vancouver got good selections of raw fish as it is facing the Pacific and closer to import from Japan... My advice, if they put heavy teriyaki source, don't eat it as it may cause you digestion problem...
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/23/2010 08:37:00]應該唔Miyazaki牛,食咗先來驚?
[版主回覆05/23/2010 14:37:00]乜得你咁鐘情牛辛呢? ... 七月去本店吧,有當日牛肉的長細資料。BTW,唔食宮崎仲有神戸吖嗎...
perfect price wor! any branch in Shinjuku?