彩を極める - 梅しそ卷とヒレ膳 (睇清楚 - 梅紫蘇卷和豬扒定食)


浜勝知多啲: 電車男覓食記の秋葉原浜勝
回酒店前買嘢飲... 日本真係乜都有限定!吹漲唔吹漲?

ReplyDelete[版主回覆06/23/2010 22:28:00]哈! 引唔到鯊魚引到青頭添 OK吖, 終於有免費波睇...
[版主回覆06/24/2010 00:04:00]味道無乜分別, 但我依排中意飲依隻銀座贅沢ピーチ多啲...
ReplyDelete[版主回覆06/24/2010 09:42:00]你睇佢唔到... 你睇佢唔到...
睇落又好似幾正喎 不過成 2000 円都幾貴下, 夠我一家三口響松屋食飽飽囉
ReplyDelete[版主回覆06/24/2010 09:43:00]松屋也是一個午飯快餐嘅好地方呢...
ReplyDelete[版主回覆06/24/2010 11:23:00]限定自己囉...
啤酒都 "限定"...哈哈
ReplyDelete[版主回覆06/24/2010 15:47:00]真吹漲...哈哈!
咁正= =我都想去食=3=
ReplyDelete[版主回覆06/25/2010 00:31:00]去開秋葉就真係要試下...
what is 海老?! Even though the price is high, still pretty attractive. btw, my HG destiny gundam has completed...cellphone pictures again...please drop by if you have time P.S. Which team are you going for this year? Seems many of the "hot" teams got kicked out
ReplyDelete[版主回覆06/25/2010 08:54:00]海老 is shrimp and below 2000 yen is considering cheap in Tokyo... I go for Brazil and want to see South Korea and Japan going to the final too hahaha...
True, in Tokyo the living expenses are extremely high, if I remember correctly.....it's in the top 5 highest living expense city/country 2000 yen, it's worth for a try~ those 梅紫蘇卷 looks really tasty and the 海老 looks BIG~ I'm LOVING IT~ The part I really like Japanese--- what you usually see on the picture, it's what get from the good...at least most of them Last two yr world cup, I went for France...but this year, once I heard they lost to China....I know I won't go for them From most of the games I have seen, I am going for German, North Korea and Japan. Of course, I really want to see an Asian Team can get the world cup or even the final
ReplyDelete[版主回覆06/25/2010 21:04:00]Yeap! Japanese are doing quite on WYSIWYG. Oh, you don't like South Korea? How come?
ReplyDelete睇下8月尾點,不過C3限定產品暫時唔係咁吸引....而且年尾紅磡總會有得買,反而對隻靜岡限定同ANA限定有興趣 ,但係隻ANA又要國內線
[版主回覆06/25/2010 21:07:00]ANA嗰隻開天殺價喎!
上一個post漏左講,反而10/8-19/8既super expo 2010既產品就幾吸引
ReplyDelete[版主回覆06/25/2010 21:08:00]但bandai嘢年尾香港都有得賣啦...
ReplyDelete[版主回覆06/25/2010 21:10:00]無吖...邊個...
ReplyDelete[版主回覆06/26/2010 21:22:00]如果行開秋葉原就真係不防一試...
I forgot to mention South Korea.... South Korea, I didn't watch their games...not even one this yr, usually I was on traffic or studying ....Anyway, they are out for this yr's world cup~ Last hope for Asian team: Japan
ReplyDelete[版主回覆06/27/2010 13:50:00]I started to pay attention to both Asia teams since 8 years ago. Japan is playing really good this year but too bad for S Korea...
我都差唔多,7:00 - 7:30 啦。
ReplyDelete[版主回覆06/27/2010 16:06:00]Ok, 過來前call我啦...