先回想一吓幾套我有好深印象的Sci Fi/CG電影:
1983: Return of the Jedi
仲記得當時睇完覺得好正! 在森林飛車好high!
1986: Aliens
剛剛到咗温哥華, 第一次睇無中文字幕的外語片, 竟然睇得明, 而且仲在戲院內忍唔住拍手!
1991: Terminator 2
1997: Titanic
第一次在戲院坐咁耐而唔覺得乏味, 第一次在戲院喊幾次, 亦係第一次睇完之後心情要慢慢的平伏下來!
2007: Transformers
近代的CG威力! 由其係那場高速公路上Megatron的幾次變型...
AVATAR - 故事內容及人物關係唔再多講啦, 三小時內我「嘩」,「正」,「型」,「靚」及感動+激動到喊... 可能係3D的關係, 完完全全頭入了Pandora世界! 睇完之後心情要成個鍾才平伏下來, 或者講要成個鍾才回到現實! AVATAR亦係我第一次一睇完便想再次入坐的電影, 如果5粒星係滿分, 我會俾10粒星!
回家後在NOW的Star Movies台的VIP Access睇了一部份的製作特輯, 原來導演James Cameron在1995年已經寫好腳本, 但因技術問題, 直至2005年才可開拍。 而所有Na'vi都是由演員拍攝, 再用了兩年時間去將佢CG化...
James Cameron's Vision Featurette
"It's not just a movie, it's the universe."
仲未睇? 快啲去買飛入場... 我亦已再book咗1月2日去尖沙咀新嗰間IMAX, 再遊Pandora世界...
套戲真係要拍手掌!好得! 估唔到單單是人物CG化,已經要用兩年時間!真是台上一分鐘,台下十年功呢!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆12/21/2009 09:30:00]所以面部好自然, 睇得好舒服...
等出碟 ! 等出碟! 如果音效正就爽嘞...
ReplyDelete[版主回覆12/21/2009 10:50:00]唔入場睇3D版?
Just received 2 free ticket to IMAX to watch this movie later...........! Looking forward on that!!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆12/21/2009 10:54:00]Lucky you! IMAX tix in HK cost 160 ea!
Actually both me and Vivien also finished a online survery from them, that's y can get 1 ticket for each of us. BTW............ticket price here for IMAX is AUD$27 (that's HKD$189............) But normal cinema to watch this movie also need AUD$16 (HKD$112 per adult ticket)
ReplyDelete[版主回覆12/21/2009 11:34:00]Hahaha... Normal cinema cost 120 to 150 here... I went for the morning show yesterday at Pacific Place at 9am and it costed 90 hahaha...
兩個字: 超正~
ReplyDelete[版主回覆12/21/2009 13:58:00]應該係三個字: 超級正~
saw the imax 3d version, as you said, it's the best movie i've seen lately!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆12/21/2009 14:00:00]The last one that made me feel so 忐忑 was Titanic! 12 years ago hahaha....
[版主回覆12/21/2009 17:56:00]我諗你是但一句寫多咗嗰"但"字
「嘩」,「正」,「型」,「靚」及感動+激動到喊... ↑我今晚就要去感受一下啦!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆12/21/2009 17:54:00]帶紙巾
[版主回覆12/22/2009 09:49:00]Terminator Salvation我就覺得麻麻喇
ReplyDelete3 D 效果值回票價....
[版主回覆12/22/2009 09:50:00]現場一樣
ReplyDelete[版主回覆12/22/2009 09:50:00]點可以唔睇呀
nice phase use as the last part "It's not just a movie, it's the universe." XD short but powerful now u make me want ti watch it even more XD
ReplyDelete[版主回覆12/22/2009 10:17:00]You haven't watch yet? Another quote from the movie: "The sky people have destroyed their mother nature and they are going to destroy yours!"
尖沙咀會開 Imax?!希望不是小型那種吧。我早兩日去看 Avatar 時,就專揀了不是 Imax 的戲院看,因為 Ottawa 的 Imax 戲院只是小型 Imax,與一般的戲院銀幕差不多,但價錢卻貴了不少。我還是喜歡以前在 Halifax 看 Imax 戲,那裡用的是 full-size Imax 銀幕,震撼得太多了!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆12/22/2009 10:15:00]香港地点會有北美等Full-size IMAX吖... Anyway, 這IMAX是UA旗下的新戲院, 位於尖沙咀彌敦道63號國際廣場7樓: 網上購票大約估到戲院的大小
見JKL兄你咁讚法… 好! 我都入去睇睇先!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆12/22/2009 10:18:00]点可以唔睇呢?
i will get some time and watch it it is all over the tv that film is and it look awesome and i will keep an eye on that quote and did u watch it in English version jkl gor ?
ReplyDelete[版主回覆12/23/2009 00:15:00]Of course in English and I don't think it has a Chinese ver...
3D是搶錢大勢所吹, 我估過兩年, 連"天水圍的日與夜"都會出返IMAX3D版.
ReplyDelete講環保, 請買報紙不要膠袋, 舉行活動不需要放紙碎炮!!
[版主回覆12/23/2009 09:32:00]講環保, 仲有好多嘢可以做...
[版主回覆12/23/2009 21:42:00]呢套真係值得去戲院睇
no cause if u watched it chinese ver the meaning of some of the quote is different then and the original is always the best
ReplyDelete[版主回覆12/24/2009 02:29:00]Actually, I don't think there is any Chinese ver...
Aliens, Terminator 2, Titanic 同Avatar 都係占士金馬倫的作品. 最初Titanic 還因為嚴重超支, 幾乎還不能埋尾, 可是占士金馬倫那會計錯數啊
ReplyDelete[版主回覆12/30/2009 02:23:00]可能就係咁所以咁好睇