HG RX-78-2 Gundam Ver.G30th Premium Gold Ver.

- 黃金電錶面層。武器也全部施給電錶面層加工。
- 電錶面的Gundam 30週年標誌。大小約30mm×約30mm。
機動戦士Gundam 30th Gunpla Premium BOX

- 機動戰士高達30週年紀念配套元件·12套組套1/144及HG 1/144。
- 配套元件為特殊加工透明金屬薄片Gunpla。
- 回憶復甦小冊子附屬!
- 每盒都有特定編號。
·1/144 Gundam
·HG 1/144 Gundam Ver.G30th
·1/144 Z Gundam
·1/144 ZZ Gundam
·1/144 V Gundam
·1/144 G Gundam
·1/144 W Gundam
·1/144 Gundam X
·1/144 ∀Gundam
·1/144 Freedom Gundam
·1/144 Destiny Gundam
·HG 1/144 00 Gundam
● 每套元件配有說明書及貼紙。
● 原創小冊子附屬。
但係套Boxset就走唔甩啦... 一千三百幾港紙買12隻144, 其實都幾貴!但個boxset真係好靚...
好,今晚問財長攞approval code...
聲明: 好抱歉,今次小弟唔會幫blog友訂購,因為個盒實在好大,手提唔到咁多返嚟...
咁你砌唔砌XD 全透明方使你加燈XD
ReplyDelete[版主回覆10/21/2009 18:05:00]依D咁嘅boxset我諗只會買嚟擺,唔會砌囉... 全透明加燈無驚喜喎... 不過可以卦上聖誕樹
ReplyDelete[版主回覆10/22/2009 09:45:00](Empty)
i think the see through one is very hard to see :C dont like that one
ReplyDelete[版主回覆10/22/2009 09:48:00]It's true that transparent versions cannot be addicted by everyone. I think I'm one of the few...
Very attractive, but the price................orz!!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆10/22/2009 09:50:00]The Gunpla BOX is about HKD 1342. Put it this way, it's about 112 per transparent gun... Feels better right? hahaha...
I know the calculation! XD But............still.................a lot! XD
ReplyDeleteMay be better buy 10 RX-78 OYW will feel better! XD
[版主回覆10/22/2009 10:58:00]It is indeed quite expensive! My wife approved last night but I am still wondering if I should really order...
ReplyDelete[版主回覆10/22/2009 10:56:00]乜我哋唔係一早已經踩入無底深潭啦咩?
(引用: 買與砌模型 )
That's a good question.
ReplyDeleteFrom my viewpt, I really want to build the model after I bought (although right now don't have the time). If this box aimed to keep, I would pretty much concern the price first. The Gold one just 3000 yen, that's easy to make up the decision to buy immediately if available. However if over 15000 yen, then I will ask.............y not buying a PG or buy all of the MG on the wishlist first! XD
[版主回覆10/22/2009 12:22:00]Hahaha... For me, I don't have any MG wish list and PG is already banned by my wife... So, this BOX set of 收藏品 is something I will consider
ReplyDelete[版主回覆10/22/2009 12:20:00]HLJ可能得喎...
No MG wishlist?! Then model wishlist la?!
ReplyDeleteActually my gf didn't band PG, (she prefer big rather than me.........XD) but I don't really like to build PG as te MS will be very "lonely"! XD No team member can accompany that!
[版主回覆10/22/2009 12:48:00]Hahaha... I don't really have any wishlist... Just buy the new ones I like and in which I think I will build them (eventually). But my problem is those Limited editions... Like this one:
And those pro-shop stuffs... " MS-06R-1 ザクII Ver.2.0 ア・バオア・クー防衛隊機"
My wishlist............something old, something new, but mostly my dream to finish (although a lot! XD). I think u remember I posted on my blog before.......... 08-06-20 排隊等 “砌”!!
ReplyDeleteThat YF-25, I think that's only for movie ticket package only?! If just the color, that's easy to work out. However if go to make the head..............big problem!! XD
[版主回覆10/22/2009 13:34:00]That's right... and it will be my first time to watch a movie in Japan... With my limited Japanese vocabulary...
Bandai recently always ltd edition on model............! Limited our choice!! ~_~ Even want to get this one, seems that very hard!!
ReplyDeleteBTW...........limited is enough! I think you can pretty much understand already as having basical knowledge on that animation! XD
[版主回覆10/22/2009 13:49:00]True, I don't understand why all those Japan only LTD! Yeah, I think so... But I will probably by the DVD afterwards so that my wife can enjoy as well
Watch again on DVD (not BD?), that's for sure!!
ReplyDeleteLtd........if release to public still fine. But those kind of ltd, like with movie ticket..........can't understand!!
[版主回覆10/22/2009 14:09:00]Bluray still too expensive la... For this particular LTD YF25 with movie ticket, I think it's a very good local marketing campaign wor...
套144嘅Boxset外盒設計到好似DVD Boxset ! 你吾講我仲以為係DVD嚟。
ReplyDelete[版主回覆10/22/2009 15:03:00]所以一定要同大人申報,如果唔係佢以為係DVD開嚟睇,點知原來係模型,仲以為你隱瞞好多添...
ReplyDelete[版主回覆10/22/2009 22:17:00]新開發幾隻MG都揾唔到我錢, 換個包裝反而會乖乖哋俾錢~~~
機動戦士Gundam 30th Gunpla Premium BOX 我覺得ok正 想買 but 想留錢玩首辨
ReplyDelete[版主回覆10/22/2009 22:18:00]有乜新首辨出呢?
1/144 ZZ Gundam 都有??! 仲以為笨大已從"高達史"中刪除o左佢添
ReplyDelete[版主回覆10/23/2009 09:44:00]應該係依隻舊版
好彩我两set都無性趣, 反而好霖呢隻..
ReplyDelete[版主回覆10/23/2009 09:40:00]隻Prophecy係跟電影套票一齊賣架...
ReplyDelete[版主回覆10/23/2009 13:10:00] 真係又有咁橋
隻 R 78 金色嘛嘛地喎
ReplyDelete[版主回覆10/25/2009 22:01:00]所以無訂...
[版主回覆11/01/2009 01:44:00]你就好彩啦...
ReplyDelete話時話,到時如果可以嘅話,唔知可唔可以幫我揾下有無台場版嘅144 RX-78呢?可以嘅話我想麻煩你幫我執兩盒呢```唔該嗮先```
[版主回覆11/01/2009 23:47:00]依D只係買來儲存,當然唔會砌啦。 台場版已在8月30停售。
ReplyDeleteOh My God````人生又一大缺陷呀```
[版主回覆11/03/2009 02:32:00]一早講明台場限定, 睇下遲D動漫展或Gundam Expo有無啦...