22nd Jan 2008
Finally started to make the metallic Sazabi... The finish is very good but problems:
1. Don't know how to cover the cutting marks!
2. As it is based on an old MG, there are lots of gaps between parts!
Sorry, too tired now so no pics...
24th Jan 2008
After considering the different options on covering the "cut marks", decided to use Mr Hobby #H87 Metallic Red water based paint (also got oil based #75 but it's too RED).
Left: with touch up. Right: without touch up.

Problem: even with the touch up (left), it's still OFF! So, I guess no close-up...

Another problem: The original factory paint job is not good!!! Look at the silver paint not being covered well on the left!!! How can Bandai price it so high with such quality?

Hope san, Anthony, Gundam@EFSF & WilliamGundam, I am afraid that this is gonna be a failing project!
25th Jan 2008
Found a way to cover the "cut marks"! First metallic red then transparent red! Happy man now!!! I thought I don't need to do a lot of paint jobs with this one but... I just can't stop hahahaha...

26th Jan 2008
More defective parts! Bandai, I want my money back!!! If I polish it, I need to repaint the metallic finish... If I paint metallic finish myself, why paying the extra? I can pruchase the original MG, right? Sexyhope san, can you make a complain to Bandai for me?
26th Jan 2008 (Late Evening)
I thought I won't spend too much time on the frame but I guess I just can't stop...
So far, I have only used these paints:

27th Jan 2008
Not much done today, need to SLEEP! Can't even wait until the glossy paint to dry and assemble the parts...
Noticed one thing, the Sazabi is really TALL! Didn't notice it in the anime...
28th Jan 2008
Progress is quick slow! Spend too much time on painting the details where I thought I won't...
29th Jan 2008
Finished the Lower Body! Going to start the upper body tomorrow...
JKL 兄入左拿! cutting marks 一係用銀溝透明紅,用筆點一點佢試下得唔得 .... 無縫就真係難搞D ......
ReplyDelete[版主回覆01/23/2008 14:46:00]William 兄, thanks for the advice... In fact, I was thinking about that too but need time to tune silver+transparent red to the right color. Also, found out from the manual that the major cut marks will be covered by water stickers!
如果你呢部野用水貼,咁應該最後會噴多層光油統一色澤? 電鍍面再噴郡士油光油既話會唔會用 GX100 ? 好似會通透D.... 另外最好搵電鍍癈件試噴左先好播,因為郡士油會溶甩電鍍 ....
ReplyDelete[版主回覆01/24/2008 14:29:00]Thanks for you advise...
I already have experience with stickers over shinny surface with glossy paint when I build the "silver" Zeta: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/gundam-jkl/article?mid=191
wait for ur finished work! :) 4 me, HCMpro SP is enough....
ReplyDeleteOK,等你大作 la!
ReplyDeletewaiting your final product. I m still thinking to buy this or not. but i have already bought the HCMpro SP. so this one is not a must ^^
ReplyDelete[版主回覆01/26/2008 03:55:00]Like Gundam@EFSF said, the HCM-Pro SP is a better one! But I have just regained interested with it so please wait and see…
that is nice.....
ReplyDelete[版主回覆01/26/2008 04:18:00]OK la... Still thinking of how to make it better...
carry on! u shall overcome!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆01/26/2008 12:14:00]Oh yeah, 明天會更好...
ReplyDelete[版主回覆01/27/2008 02:28:00]我明天到了美孚後會SMS你。可以在A出口的閘囗等,你不用出閘。
ReplyDelete[版主回覆01/30/2008 14:52:00]Kind of la... 模型 is only a small portion of my life...
Hey! man, Your work is great. It seems a little bit difficult to handle this metallic coated version of Sazabi. I think I better build the normal MG Sazabi as I am just a beginner. Great work!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆04/03/2008 13:58:00]Yeap, it's easiler to make the normal version...
Hi, I get the same model, what 光油 you see if puting sticker on? Any good advice? Thanks very much!
ReplyDeleteHi, I get the same model too... which 光油 you use after putting 水貼? thxs!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆01/23/2010 00:39:00]I just used Mr Hobby Super Clear Gloss